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before 10th of April

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6 th Russian Conference on Medicinal Chemistry

Dedicated to the celebration of the 300 th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The Organizing Committee of the MedChem-Russia 2024 conference cordially invites researchers, foreign scientists, members of the pharmaceutical business and medicine, undergraduate students and Ph.D. students to attend the 6 th Russian Conference on Medicinal Chemistry, which will be held on July 1-4, 2024 in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. This conference is dedicated to the celebration of the 300 th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

MedChem-Russia conferences are held every 2 years in major scientific, educational and cultural centers of the Russian Federation. The first forum was held in 2013 in Moscow, the second – in 2015 in Novosibirsk, the third – in 2017 in Kazan, the fourth – in 2019 in Ekaterinburg, and the fifth – in 2022 in Volgograd. The main goal of this international series of conferences is an in-depth analysis of current developments, novel approaches and advanced technologies in the field of medicinal chemistry and drug development.

Nizhny Novgorod scientific schools in the field of chemistry, physics and medicine are widely known for their achievements in the pharmacology and medicinal chemistry, medical materials science and instrumentation. The education of specialists in these areas is conducted by the Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod and Privolzhsky Research Medical University. The Nizhny Novgorod region is a major scientific and technological center in our country. Here is located the Razuvaev Institute of Organometallic Chemistry (IOMC RAS); known for modern developments in the field of medical instrumentation Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS); the famous Russian Federal Nuclear Center (RFNC); the largest chemical and petrochemical cluster in our country in the cities of Dzerzhinsk and Kstovo. Thus, in the Nizhny Novgorod region there are all the essentials for combining the efforts of research and educational institutions working in the field of organic synthesis, medical chemistry, medical instrumentation, as well as industrial chemical and pharmaceutical enterprises, which will solve the strategic task of providing the population with modern medicines and equipment.

We are looking forward to see you in Nizhny Novgorod!


July 1-4, 2024



UNN, Lobachevsky University & PRMU, Privolzhsky Research Medical University

– 2nd building of N.I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod | Gagarin Avenue 23, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
– Conference hall of Privolzhsky Research Medical University (PRMU) | Gagarin Avenue 68, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


The scientific program of the MedChem-Russia 2024 conference will include plenary lectures, oral and poster presentations. Detailed information is coming soon.

Visit “Speakers” page to read more

Registration fees

Registration is opened
June 01, 2024 - Online registration and registration fee payment deadline


Academic and educational

₽ 10 000/participant
Includes: a program booklet, a collection of abstracts on electronic
media, attendance of all scientific events, participation in the opening ceremony, coffee breaks, welcome reception


Students and PhD students

₽ 5 000/participant
Includes: a program booklet, a collection of abstracts on electronic
media, attendance of all scientific events, participation in the opening ceremony, coffee breaks, welcome reception


Commercial organizations

₽ 20 000/participant
Includes: a program booklet, a collection of abstracts on electronic
media, attendance of all scientific events, participation in the opening ceremony, coffee breaks, welcome reception


Accompanying persons

₽ 2 000/participant
Includes: attendance of all scientific events, coffee breaks

* Final banquet and lunches during the conference for an additional payment at the request of delegates

** The conference fees are for participants from the Russian Federation and CIS countries

*** Conference fee for remote participants (abstract publishing only) 2000 RUB

Cancellation terms

If a participant decides to cancel his attendance at the Conference, the notification letter supplemented with the request for the reimbursement of the registration fee should be sent by e-mail. Please note that no refund will be available if you have not properly informed the organizers about your cancellation plan.

Cancellation before June 01: 90% of Registration Fees will be refunded, except bank charges.
Cancellation after June 01: no registration refunds will be made for cancellations after this date.

All the refunds will be paid only after the end of the Conference.


Sponsors & Partners

There is a number of sponsorship opportunities available at the conference, including sponsorship of social events, advertisements in the book of abstracts, etc. Please contact symposium secretary for further information.

Interested in becoming a sponsor?